February 28, 2008

In Bruges

Talented actors + twisted morals + fairytale setting = Theater of the Obscene

This movie created several mixed reactions for me. First of all, I liked the dark comedy, particularly to poking of fun at American tourists, but the violence was too much, too sudden, and too cavalier for me. I could suspend my disbelief, but not as far as the script writer wanted. I giggled at many of the jokes, but then I immediately felt bad about it, as many of them were racial and all of them very un-P.C. (I am not sure whether this is a truly negative thing, but I won't expand on our (Lunanshee feels this way too), that political correctness does go too far).

All in all, I would tell anyone who wants to see it that if they can wait until video, I will be fairly certain that they will enjoy it. Lunanshee said that she wasn't at all interested, and I am glad now that I did not make her see it with me.

I think that all of the best parts of the movie were included in the preview. Curiously enough, this is not really a bad thing. I still think that Colin Farrell's line about why Bruges does not impress him is the best in the entire script, given his snarky delivery.

The characters were definitely different, particularly from each other. The one thing that unified them is that they all clung to their ideas of "what is right", despite being in professions that demanded that they kill people. It was a bit surreal watching them cling so fiercely to their 'morals' while being so brutal at other times. The ending is a product of this, as absurd as it felt to watch. I would like to hear from someone else whether they think that the person being put into the ambulance at the end lives or not. I would like to think that he doesn't.
--see Comments for more--

February 22, 2008

'Twilight: the Movie

Decent book + talented young actors = likelihood of a bloody good time

...just in time for the Christmas break.

I'm currently in the middle of reading the 3rd (Eclipse) of a projected 4-5 book series written by a vampire-lore neophyte, and it is actually pretty good. The characters wear a bit sometimes, but the movie translation of the first novel (Twilight) should be good. I'm pretty hopeful.


The site shows that the movie is already in production, and I am only just now hearing about it (!)

Kristen Stewart will be a decent Bella; a pretty, clever, precociously mature high school student who consistently undervalues herself without really straying from 'simpathetic' to plain 'pathetic' character. I think she is pretty 'right' for the part.
I'm also pretty amused with the casting for Edward, the love-interest. I adored Robert Pattinson's Cedric Diggory in HP: GoF, so I am optimistic that the movie won't come off as childish (the books don't, but we all know how movies don't always maintain the text's original magic). I think that is part of the magic of Meyer's writing, is that her characters are believable teens without being belittled by it.

February 21, 2008

I Heart Kristen Bell

There is a long and pretty-detailed rumor-sheet posted on Rotten Tomatoes about "planned" films. Who knows if they will ever materialize? It might be fun to look back in two years and see how many of these 'predictions' (that is how I think of them) will come true.

Here is the article:

I will discuss shortly the two comic book and videogame movies promised by the article, but Kristen Bell deserves top-billing. This actually looks cute, if you can believe that someone as adorable and young as the former Ms. Mars can be a 'successful real estate agent'. I would think that this movie would play better with a 40-something lead, but I will look forward to seeing more of Rome any time!

When in Rome
Scheduled Start Date: March 31
Shooting Location: New York, Rome, Italy
Producer: Benny Medina, Jeff Pollack, Gary Foster, Andrew Panay, Rikki Bestall
Writer/Director: Mark Steven Johnson
CAST: Kristen Bell
Bell will play a successful real estate agent in New York who can't find a lasting relationship. When her younger sister impulsively marries in Rome, she flies out for the wedding and, after picking up coins from a reputed "fountain of love," finds an overabundance of suitors waiting for her back home.

A New 'Clue' Movie?!?

First of all, I just want to say, there can be no 'better' Clue film made (or re-made)!

I just saw an article suggesting that at several Hasbro games could be made into movies. Yep, you heard me right. Check out the article here:


I can just see someone like Michael Rooker, shaved down to his Daddy Warbucks chrome-dome, evily plotting from his Boardwalk penthouse office to remove the hard-working, blue-collar residents of his Connecticut Ave. row houses. We can cast Renee Zellweger as the optimistic and crusading debutante-who-must-prove-herself-a-humanitarian who needs to figure out that she should 'merge assets' with the rascal of a up-and-coming real-estate broker played by...Matthew Goode to defeat the malicious profiteer Uncle Pennybags. Add a "convenient" fire that raized the Baltic Ave. slums and you've practically got a picture right there!
Well, at least it would be just about as good as what has been coming out lately. I am looking forward to very few movies in the near future.

I know that "multi-media" and viral ad campaigns are the way to go right now, but I don't need to have an "immersive experience" with my board games; that's kind of why I like them. Call me "oldschool", but that is my opinion. I think they got inspired by the "little amusement park ride that could" franchise....

February 15, 2008


Really interesting idea + mediocre acting and script + great special effects = mediocre sci-fi movie

Jumper tells the story of a kid who figures out that he can move from place to place at will (think teleport) and runs away from home at the age of 15. This is the first 15 or so minutes of the movie. From there we are "jumped" 8 years later where the kid has grown into a smug and spoiled young man who, for me at least, isn't very likable. Enter the opposition. Samual Jackson (which white painted hair that isn't very scary) is the leader of a special group called Paladins. This group's origins and methods are never really explained; all you need to know is that Paladins hunt Jumpers and have been doing so for a couple thousand years. Into this not very well defined mix add a love interest that isn't that believable, since the last time he saw her was when they were about 15 and she just goes along with whatever he says while attempting to show some spin by whining about what is going on and where they are going and who ARE those people!?

Basically they took a really good idea (I am interested in reading the book, since I have a feeling it will be much better) and produced a luke-warm movie with plot holes you could break a leg in. My advice, watch a matinée if you must see it in theaters, but ultimately you won't miss much if you wait for cable.