March 26, 2008

Thundercats 2010!

Well, I've found enough rumors that I actually believe that Thundercats if FINALLY going to make it to the big screen. YAYAYAYAYAYYAYAYAYAYYAYAYAY!

Can you tell that I am a Thundercats fan?

Anyway, rumor has it that Warner has scrapped the idea of a live action version and is planning a CGI (which in many ways is actually a good thing). Anyway, I'll post more as I find out more.

March 17, 2008


Fairytale story + great casting = warm-hearted, fulfilling movie

First off, I don't understand why Penelope has gotten such rotten reviews! The movie set out a plan to make a movie whose plot is a twist of the Beauty and the Beast tale and it is wonderfully executed! (Okay, enough exclamation points now...)

Truly, in this Beauty is the Beast film, I was entertained the entire time. Sure, it is not wholly original (what legend, myth or fairytale is?) but that didn't matter since the film is character, not plot driven. Christina Ricci plays the title character with a wonderful mix of charm, etheral appeal, naivity and cynisism. I highly enjoyed this movie and think it achieved exactly what it set out to do. Also, loved Christina Ricci's wardrobe!